Thursday, March 29, 2012

When the mundane gets poisonous in my head

There is no more progress to see...
There are no small achievements for me in class...
The same bunch of kids are curious, the same group of kids are disruptive, the same faces are apathetic...
I'm constantly expecting changes, maybe that's why I am hurting on the
I have learned my lesson that expectations lead to disappointment, but as a teacher, how can I not expect anything out of every class I go to?!
I do not know what I need to get out of my current mindset.
When I talk about the hopes for my kids, I'm still full of passion and hope.
But, somehow, there is something in me that makes me lay longer in bed before I wake up on school days.
My kids fuel me, but maybe now the fuel ran out...
I need more fuel, kids! Help me!

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